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HomeDonor Advised Funds

You Can Support PAMS with your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)*

Please consider recommending the Peruvian American Medical Society as an organization to support with a grant from your Donor Advised Fund. Partner with PAMS to provide healthcare, medicine and food to children and families in Peru's marginalized communities.    

How to recommend a gift to PAMS

  1. Request a grant distribution through your DAF sponsor.
  2. Be sure to use the PAMS EIN # 38-2824781
  3. You can also designate the Peruvian American Medical Society as a beneficiary of your donor advised fund.

Mailing Instructions:

Peruvian American Medical Society

3009 Toreador Dr. NE

Albuquerque, NM 87111

* A donor-advised fund allows you to put your charitable dollars to work and give back to a cause that's close to your heart.  You have the flexibility to tailor your charitable giving in easy, cost-effective ways.

To get started on DAF Direct click on logo below

On DAF Direct, you can donate from your Donor Advised Fund in:

- Schwab Charitable
- Fidelity Charitable
- BNY Mellon

Donor-Advised Fund Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your DAF questions HERE