PAMS Executive Director, Ms. Maria Sanders, was in Lima on September 1st and 2nd and took the opportunity to visit the PAMS Polyclinic in Chincha and the Operación San Andrés Mission in Collique, Comas.
Ms. María Sanders had a pleasant welcome in both missions and the company of Dr. Solania Tello, Medical Director, and Ing. Verónica Leiva, administrator. Ms. Sanders toured the facility and observed its excellent infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment. She was impressed by the attention from high-quality professionals and attention from the administrative staff, making the PAMS Polyclinic a benchmark of quality and professionalism in Chincha and neighboring communities.
Ms. Sanders also visited Operación San Andrés Mission in Collique, Comas, established by Dr. Luis Campos, PAMS's current president. She met the OSA Project Director, who provided information on the mission's various activities in this impoverished community on the outskirts of Lima. OSA Programs include workshops for children of different ages, meals for children, cooking workshops for mothers, and social help in coordination with the local church. During the pandemic, they provided students with tablets, cell phones, and internet for their virtual classes. Ms. Sanders was impressed with the intense work of the OSA in the Collique area.