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Lifetime & Humanitarian Awards PAMS 2022

Fabiola G Roura Moreno | Published on 9/19/2022
During the 49th PAMS Annual Convention held on August 20, 2022, a well-deserved recognition was given to outstanding PAMS members for Humanitarian and Lifetime Achievement Awards. 


Humanitarian Award: Dr. Pablo Perez

PAMS President, 2017-2018, PAMS Para el Peru President, 2017-2022, Santiago de Chuco Mission founder & medical director, 2009 to present. Participated at Medical mission to Huancavelica Aqua Quechua town in the Peruvian jungle Saposoa. Led the PAMS’s Disaster Relief foundation to the north of Peru in 2017 fenómeno del niño destruction. Coordinated PAMS help to the people of Trujillo with water/food, medical care, medicines, mosquito’s repellants, fumigation, latrines and community meals to many in those in northern of Peru. 

Participated in relief efforts in four Medical missions to Haiti after earthquake 2011, Medical mission to Guatemala Clinica Santiago in Solola since 2015, Humanitarian efforts March 2022 donation of insulin and medical supplies to the border Poland-Ukraine Hospital.

Offers a grant every year in support of young physicians who wish to train in the US, Scholarship candidates need to pass Steps I and II of the US FMLE exams and have participated in PAMS medical missions. This grant is done quietly and is part of the many contributions Pablo makes to PAMS.  

Lifetime Achievement Awards: Dr. Victor Raúl Felipa & Mrs. Janice Felipa

Dr. & Mrs. Felipa have participated in PAMS Missions to Ayacucho, Huancavelica and Iquitos. Dr. Felipa was the first Medical Director of Selva in Action Mission, 2007-2014. Volunteering in SIA Mission Telemedicine during the pandemic. Particated in Selva in Action Mission in June 2022 at the age of 86. Mrs. Felipa obtained international grants to repair school and build water system in Village of Centro Fuerte, Rio Momon.

In 2022 established the Raul & Janice Felipa Mentorship Grant (Cover costs of participating in a Selva in Action Mission, Medical Student from San Fernando, Nursing Student from Iquitos, Continued Tele-mentoring with grant recipients). The Felipas are Active Rotarians.  Dr. Felipa volunteers at Rotary sponsored free clinic in Gilroy, CA.