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Nominations for PAMS Board of Directors 2022-2023

Maria Sanders | Published on 5/3/2022

Nominations for PAMS Board of Directors 2022-2023

The Peruvian American Medical Society (PAMS) is seeking candidates to serve for one year on the 2022-2023 Board of Directors (Starting on Sept. 1, 2022 ending on Aug. 31, 2023).  Specifically, we are looking for qualified members to fill the following positions: President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and two Members-at-Large

Candidates must be a Full or Associate Member in good standing and should demonstrate a strong willingness to devote the time required to serve on the Board of Directors.  

The responsibilities for each position include:


Assist the President as necessary. Preside at meetings of PAMS in the absence of the President. Automatically become President the end of term as President-Elect. Chair the Strategic Planning Committee. Actively participate in PAMS affairs, including commissions and special projects.  Must be an active PAMS member for the past five years.


Collect dues and be the custodian of funds of PAMSEF. Keep an itemized record of all accounts, receipts, and disbursements. Supervise the distribution of funds in accordance with established budgets as well as policies and procedures of PAMS. Render a written report of all financial transactions at each meeting of PAMSEF. Be responsible for filing State and Federal tax statements to retain the non-profit status of PAMSEF. Oversee the development of an Investment Policy that is consistent with the mission and vision of PAMS and its non-profit charitable 501(c)(3) status.


Keep a record of the minutes of all meetings. Keep all records and official papers belonging to PAMS, including its Charter and Bylaws. Notify all members as to the time and place of each meeting. Keep a current list of names, addresses, and membership classification of each member of PAMS.

Members-at-Large (2 positions)

Actively participate in Board activities, discussions, and votes. Be prepared to accept special commissions or projects on behalf of the President of the Board of Directors of PAMS.

Interested applicants should submit their curriculum vitae and a brief statement of interest.  Candidates may also be nominated by a PAMS member or by a PAMS Chapter.   

Please send your email nominations by July 31, 2023 to


Cesar Aranguri, MD

Chair, Nominations, Credentials and Election Committee
Peruvian American Medical Society - PAMS